AKC Labrador Retriever Pups Ethically and Intentionally Raised by Experienced Lab Lovers in Southwestern Vermont

Purchasing a puppy

Raising your pup is my honor and privilege.  Placing a pup in your home, the right forever, loving, understanding home is my first priority.  Please understand I loved your pup first.  I felt your pup kick and roll in Mom’s belly.  I held your pup in the palm of hand, warm and wet just seconds from birth.  I enjoyed every sleepless moment on the whelping box floor listening for Mom’s panting during labor, and heard your pups first call of the wild practice bark.  I single handedly trusted my instincts and believed in you to become a RBFL pup family member. 

On Gotcha Day when I snuggle your pup in my arms, close to my heart I always whisper a special RBFL poem in your pup’s ear.  It takes everything I’ve got to pass that little ball of happiness to you.  I must 100% trust you will love and honor that pup every single day from the first few sleepless nights to teething and training to your dog’s senior sugar-faced days.  This may be a lot to ask, but it’s the only way we can share our love for Labs and it’s the RBFL way.

Not everyone will be approved for a RBFL pup.  I will admit I am very selective in the placement of my pups.  Should you become approved for RBFL pup, please know I appreciate and trust you to love and cherish one of my pups.



  • Call or text using 413-212-1095 and/or complete the RBFL contact application form.  I look forward to hearing from you!
  • A verbal conversation is a must.  During our conversation we will interview each other to be sure we align in our Lab love.  I will ask you questions as I’m concerned to place my pups in the proper forever home.  Please, ask me any questions so you get to know me, understand my philosophy on rearing pups for health, longevity as well as balanced personalities and conformation.  We both are striving to have the best life for your future pup, right?
  • We will share litter information such as the personality of Mom and Dad, history of prior litters, my intentions, your intentions, estimated whelp dates and Gotcha Days as well as everything and anything in between.
For more information please call or text 413-212-1095, this is the best way to reach us!


Confirm you have been selected for the adoption of a RBFL pup!  Oh, Happy Day!

We discuss:

  • Your preference for color and gender, with the understanding we won’t know either until pups are born.  We find 99.9% of our RBFL families have no preferences except to have a RBFL Lap pup.  But of course, your preference is noted and respected.
  • Your position on the Reserve List for Upcoming Litters – This reserve list is designed by order of conversations and adoption approval in combination with your deposit.  A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your reserve list position.  This fee has become necessary given some folks place themselves on multiple lists, hence reserving a pup that should go to a more serious ready and waiting family.  The deposit is valid for future litters up to 2 years.
  • Your position on the Vet Ultrasound Pregnancy Confirmed List requires a $500. typically, non-refundable deposit.  Again, should any issue arise your $500. deposit will be placed on the next upcoming litter.

I promise I will keep you in the loop every single step of the way from when we plan a mating, to expected whelp dates, to Reproduction Vet appointments, to Ultrasounds, X-rays, and all the steps progressing to your pup’s birth.



  • Keep your eyes on our Instagram page @redbarnfarmlabradors for the latest pics and info.  We will connect as soon as Mom and Pups are comfortable and striving.
  • Solidify your pick in the specific gender and picking order
  • You will receive the Puppy Info PDF with pertinent information
  •  To secure your pup please send a check made out to Maryellen Mahoney in the amount of half of the total puppy fee, please.  Checks must be received with 10 days to secure your pup.



  • Around 4-5 weeks Mom and Pups are all settled and ready for short one-on-one visits. 
  • By appointment we welcome you to Red Barn Farm to meet and pick your pup.   As time permits, I am happy to have future visits.
  • We find 99.9% of the time the perfect puppy match happens organically however we are happy to help match the right pup to your family and lifestyle, according to temperament of the puppy and needs of your family.



  • Every family has a scheduled time to assure there is one-on-one time for education, review, questions and such for your pups smooth and easy transition from RBFL to your home.
  • Your balance is due in cash.
  • I will recieve your pups Vet vaccination and worming record, and Health Certificate from my Vet.
  • You will be given your pups AKC limited registration form
  • I will reiterate I will always be here to answer your questions, to help you and to laugh when your pup does something so ridiculous only another Lab lover would understand.



It’s wonderful and rewarding to stay in touch, share pictures and your pup’s milestone moments.  It’s not mandatory, but it is a ton of fun!

Breeder Requirements

As a breeder it is of utmost importance my pups live in qualified and approved homes.  A good Lab loving home provides their RBFL pup with consistency, love, routine Veterinary care, mental and physical exercise, quality nutrition, a microchip and age-appropriate training. 

The following is required of RBFL parents:

  • A commitment to completing at least one and/or preferably two levels of obedience training for a lifelong happy relationship with your pup. 
  • Routine Veterinary care for vaccinations as well as any emergency situation
  • Microchip
  • Quality high-end nutrition
  • The understanding RBFL AKC Registration is Limited.  Limited registration restricts the breeding of a RBFL dog.  The RBFL lineage is a fine-tuned pedigree to promote the best of heritage Labradors in temperament, health and classic Labrador confirmation.
  • Spay or neuter at 12-18 months of age
  • Given a rehoming situation, please reach out to me first.  I understand situations change.  We both want the best possible situation for every pup and I will stand by my promise to give every RBFL pup the best life.

Our puppies have so much potential, and we are on a mission to make sure that every pup has a great start!